International Workshop on SOI Pixel Detector (SOIPIX2015)
June 3-6, 2015 @Sendai, Japan
(Last modification June. 1st, 2015)
* Date:June 3-6, 2015
* Place:Sendai, Japan
* Venue: Katahira Sakura Hall (English Map)
* Proceedings : Proceedings are available from here.
How to submit proceedings.
* Program:
June 3rd & 4th
Workshop Presentations(Oral and Poster)
Latest program is available from HERE.
(Please type username & password shown in the appeared window!)
or download from here (as of June 3rd)
Bord size of the poster session is 1,660mm(V)×1,130mm(H) so that A0 poster is possible.
!!! Poster Session Award !!!!
Best Poster Award:
P11: A SOI-Based Low Noise and Wide Dynamic Range Event-Driven Detector for X-Ray Imaging
Sumeet Shrestha (Shizuoka Univ.)
Chairperson's Awards:
P6: Anti-reflection at the Detector Surface using Subwavelength Structure
Keita Yamamoto (Sokendai(JAXA/ISAS))
P13: Characteristics of Non-Irradiated and Irradiated Double SOI Integration Type Sensor
Mari Asano (Univ. of Tsukuba)
June 5th
Facility Tour
Folowing tours are planned. You can select one of these tours.
Plans might be changed due to condition.
I) Lapis Miyagi fab. (limited to 10 people) (& Matsushima sightseeing). Participants, Schedule
II) Global INTegration Initiative (GINTI)-3D integration (& Matsushima sightseeing). Participants, Schedule
III) Tohoku Univ. Imaging Lab. & Fluctuation Free Facility (FFF) Participants, Schedule
June 6th afternoon:
Lectures to Public Audience :「Advanced 3D Silicon Detectors to Solve the Mysteries of the Universe and Elementary Particles」at L-Park Sendai
Workshop Dinner is scheduled on June 3rd at Shoukeikaku.
Contribution paper will be published in SLAC eConf.
* Registration: Please register from here! (closed!)
Please pay registration fee of 10,000 Yen (incl. workshop dinner fee. cash only) at the workshop desk.
Registration fee for participants who does not attend the dinner is 4,000 Yen.
Accompanying person to the dinner should pay 6,000 Yen/person.
Cancelation of the dinner on June 3rd should pay the dinner fee.
Registerd User List (as of June 1st)
* Abstract Submission:
Please submit title & abstract of your contribution from the registration page or send it to 'yasuo.arai AT kek.jp' as soon as possible.
We also have poster presentation, especially for students and young researchers. Please write as 'Poster Session' in the abstract if you prefer poster presentation.
We will select excellent posters from the poster presentation, and give them small presents!
* Accomodation:
We have reserved ~10 rooms at Hotel Green Pacific especially for foreign attendants. Price is 5,500 Yen/night + 800 Yen (Breakfast). Please contact to our secretary (Han Heasook <hshan AT post.kek.jp>) in detail.
For Japanese attendants, please reserve accomodation by yourself.
* Workshop Poster: PDF(275KB)
* Useful Information
* Contact:
Yasuo Arai(Chair・KEK、yasuo.arai AT kek.jp)
Akimasa ISHIKAWA (Local Organizer, Tohoku Univ., akimasa AT epx.phys.tohoku.ac.jp)