

D01:X-ray Imaging using synchrotron radiation for the studies of hierarchic structure and dynamics in materials

We will develop an SOI area detector for the studies of hierarchic structure and dynamics in materials. The X-ray area detector with a high space resolution of 30 mm pixel is much valuable to investigate new ferroelectric materials for electronics application. With fine pixels of a new detector, we are planning to decide precise position of hydrogen atoms, related to mechanism of the large polarization of a ferroelectric, found in an organic complex. Time response of the domain structure in such a sample by external electric field is also our research target using up to 1 MHz framing rate of a new detector system. To study non-crystallized bio-molecules and structure change of a cell membrane, fine pixels and a high frame rate of the SOI detector will be effective for a small angle scattering measurement. A high sensitivity for soft X rays of the SOI detector is also very attractive for the studies.

  • Group Coordination, System development Shunji Kishimoto
  • X-ray diffraction for material science Reiji Kumai
  • Small-angle scattering for biology Noriyuki Igarashi, Nobutaka Shimizu
  • X-ray time-resolved experiments Shin-ichi Adachi


PI Shunji Kishimoto Associate Professor, IMSS, KEK X-ray detector development Development of detector system

Co-I Reiji Kumai Professor, IMSS, KEK Structure materials physics Application to structure analysis of materials

Co-I Noriyuki Igarashi Associate Professor, IMSS, KEK Structure biology Application to small-angle scattering measurements

Cooperating Researcher Shin-ichi Adachi Professor, IMSS, KEK Structure biology Application to X-ray time-resolved experiments

Cooperating Researcher Nobutaka Shimizu Associate Professor, IMSS, KEK Structure biology Application to small-angle scattering measurements


Photon Factory: http://pfwww.kek.jp/indexj.html

Beamline BL-15A, Photon Factory: http://pfweis.kek.jp/~protein/BeamLine/BL15/bl15.html


  • S. Kishimoto, H Yonemura, S. Adachi, S. Shimazaki, M. Ikeno, M. Saito, T. Taniguchi and M. Tanaka, "64-Pixel linear-array Si-APD detector for X-ray time-resolved experiments", Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A731 (2013) 53-56.
  • S. Kishimoto, H. Yonemura, S. Adachi, S. Shimazaki, M. Ikeno, M. Saito, T. Taniguchi and M. Tanaka, “A fast X-ray detector using silicon avalanche photodiodes of 64-pixel linear array”, Journal of Physics: ConferenceSeries 425 (2013) 062007
  • R. Kumai, S. Horiuchi, J. Fujioka, and Y. Tokura, “Ferroelectricity and Pressure-Induced Phenomena Driven by Neutral Ionic Valence Instability of Acid-Base Supramolecules”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134 (2012) 1036-1046.
  • K. Kobayashi, S. Horiuchi, R. Kumai, F. Kagawa, Y. Murakami, and Y. Tokura, “Electronic Ferroelectricity in a Molecular Crystal with Large Polarization Directing Antiparallel to Ionic Displacement”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 237601.
  • S. C. Lee, A. Ueda, H. Kamo, K. Takahashi, M. Uruichi, K. Yamamoto, K. Yakushi, A. Nakao, R. Kumai, K. Kobayashi, H. Nakao, Y. Murakami, and H. Mori, “Charge-order driven proton arrangement in a hydrogen-bonded charge-transfer complex based on a pyridyl-substituted TTF derivative”, Chem. Commun. 48 (2012) 8673-8675.
  • K. H. Kim, S. Muniyappan, K. Y. Oang, J. G. Kim, S. Nozawa, T. Sato, S. Koshihara, R. Henning, I. Kosheleva, H. Ki, Y. Kim, T. W. Kim, J. Kim, S. Adachi, and H. Ihee, "Direct Observation of Cooperative Protein Structural Dynamics of Homodimeric Hemoglobin from 100 ps to 10 ms with Pump?Probe X-ray Solution Scattering", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134 (2012) 7001-7008.
  • H. Minemawari, T. Yamada, H. Matsui, J. Tsutsumi, S. Haas, R. Chiba, R. Kumai, and T. Hasegawa, “Inkjet printing of single-crystal films”, Nature 475 (2011) 364?367.
  • T. Ito, T. Ushiyama, Y. Yanagisawa, R. Kumai, and Y. Tomioka, “Growth of Highly Insulating Bulk Single Crystals of Multiferroic BiFeO3 and Their Inherent Internal Strains in the Domain-Switching Process”, Crystal Growth & Design 11 (2011), 5139-5143.
  • N. Igarashi, Y. Watanabe, Y. Shinohara, Y. Inoko, G. Matsuba, H. Okuda, T. Mori and K. Ito, “Upgrade of the small angle X-ray scattering beamlines at the Photon Factory”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 272 (2011) 012026.
  • H. Ichikawa, S. Nozawa, T. Sato, A. Tomita, K. Ichiyanagi, M Chollet, L. Guerin, N. Dean, A. Cavalleri, S. Adachi, T. Arima, H. Sawa, Y. Ogimoto, M. Nakamura, R. Tamaki, K. Miyano and S. Koshihara, “Transient photoinduced ‘hidden’ phase in a manganite”, Nature Materials 10 (2011) 101-105.
  • S. Kishimoto, S. Adachi, T. Taniguchi, M. Ikeno, S. Shimazaki, M. Tanaka, T. Mitsui, "Si-APD array detectors with 2 ns pulse-pair resolving time and sub-ns resolution for synchrotron X-ray measurements ", Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 650 (2011) 98-100.