IHEP Mini Workshop on SOIPIX Date: July 14-15, 2016 Place: IHEP, Beijing, China. Meeting Room A419, 4th floor in the east wing of Main Building, IHEP Preliminary Agenda: July 14th, 2016 Session 1: Convener Yunpeng Lu 9:00-9:10 Welcome and Introduction, tbd (IHEP) 9:10-9:40 Present Status of SOIPIX Development, Yasuo Arai (KEK IPNS) 9:40-10:10 Overview of CEPC project, Xinchou Lou (IHEP)
10:10-10:40 Photo session and coffee break
Session 2: Convener Toru Tsuboyama 10:40-11:05 X-ray pixel detectors for a new KEK Light Source, Shunji Kishimoto (KEK IPNS) 11:05-11:35 SOI Detector Test at PF, Ryo Hashimoto (KEK IMSS) 11:35-12:00 High Speed DAQ System for SOI Pixel Detector, Ryutaro Nishimura (SOKENDAI, KEK)
12:00-13:00 Lunch 13:00-14:00 BEPCⅡ tour
Session 3: Convener Ouyang Qun 14:00-14:25 Radiation hardness improvement of FD-SOI MOSFETs for X-ray detector application, Ikuo Karachi (KEK AAT) 14:25-14:50 A counting type SOI chip and synchrotron beam test results, Yunpeng Lu (IHEP) 14:50-15:15 Design of First China-Japan Counting Pixel (CNPIX1), Yasuo Arai (KEK IPNS) 15:15-15:40 EMC problems of DSOI device and circuits, Binding Li (IMECAS)
15:40-16:00 Coffee break
Session 4: Convener Toshihiko Sasaki 16:00-16:25 Present status of Belle2 vertex detector construction, Toru Tsuboyama (KEK IPNS) 16:25-16:50 SOI detector for the ILC experiment, Manabu Togawa (Osaka Univ.) 16:50-17:15 A SOI pixel sensor for vertex detector with highly compact digital pixel, Yang Zhou (IHEP)
18:00 Dinner ------- July 15th, 2016
Session 5: Convener Shunji Kishimoto 9:00-9:25 SOFIST ver.2 for ILC vertex detector I, Shun Ono (KEK IPNS) 9:25-9:50 SOFIST ver.2 for ILC vertex detector II, Miho Yamada (KEK IPNS) 9:50-10:15 CMOS pixel for vertex detector of CEPC, Ying Zhang (IHEP) 10:15-10:40 Topmetal pixel detector study, Xiangming Sun (Central China Normal Univ.)
10:40-11:00 Coffee break
Session 6: Convener Ikuo Kurachi 11:00-11:40 Discussion on China-Japan Collaboration (all) 11:40-11:50 Summary Talk (~10min), Junji Haba (KEK IPNS)
12:00-13:00 Lunch
Local Organizer: Ouyang Qun(ouyq@ihep.ac.cn), Yunpeng Lu(yplu@ihep.ac.cn) Advisor: Yasuo Arai (yasuo.arai@kek.jp)